Fiction & Essays


My first flash fiction appeared at Hobart; really, I just wanted to write about crows.  The story is called “They Also Use Tools And Are Capable of Making Plans.”

The second, “Motivated Seller, Good Neighborhood,” was published by Flash Fiction Magazine in January 2019.

Here’s “The Hitler Problem,” which appeared in Juked in 2019.

And quite possibly the weirdest thing I’ve ever written is this story, “Milktooth,” bravely published by Gravel in 2019.


Creative Nonfiction

I’ve been interested in true crime for a long time, and attended the 2019 CrimeCon in New Orleans. Here’s an essay about that experience, “Basically a Detective,” which appeared in The Hopkins Review.

The best panel I attended at the 2018 AWP convention in Tampa was the release reading/party for Flash Nonfiction Funny, published by Woodhall Press. People were sticking their heads through the doors to see what everyone inside was laughing it.  I’m very happy to have my little piece, “Life Among the Yankees,” included.

One of my all-time favorite literary magazines, Waccamaw, published my essay “Smile” in spring 2015.  The essay was written while my father was still alive (and dating the wrong woman), so it’s a little strange to look back on it now, but I’m very happy that the piece found a home at Waccamaw.


“My Soldier” was published in River Teeth: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative in 2005.

“Willodene” was included in Cornbread Nation 2: The United States of Barbecue, published by UNC Press  in 2004.

Cornbread Nation

This last piece isn’t really an essay, but it’s part of a pretty cool blog.  The editors at 32 Poems ran a series of blogs in which contributors to their Spring/Summer 2012 issue wrote about a poem they admired by another writer in that issue.  I wrote about Dan O’Brien’s terrific poem “The Dead End.”  (And while I’m at it, here’s the link to Donna Lewis Cowan’s response to my poem “House of Sleep,” posted as part of the same blog series.)